Thursday, February 17, 2022

Is House Number 14 Unlucky

Hi Melody, There's a positive note in the number sequence, 1-3-5, that brings you energy of building and growing. You may find that the energy is so strong it's sometimes hard to rest. Creating a balanced energy inside the home will be the most important.

is house number 14 unlucky - Hi Melody

This home needs soft furnishings and lots of curved lines. It needs some dark colors, peaceful sounds, and a place to meditate. Contrast this with your home office, make it bright with a good strong desk and art that depicts mountains and waterfalls. Let me know if you want to do a full Feng Shui consultation by phone or Skype. Hi Dee, There's an overarching meaning to a number which is indicated by the base number . However, the number itself gives us an indication of how the base number energy will manifest.

is house number 14 unlucky - You may find that the energy is so strong its sometimes hard to rest

Ultimately the results are the same because the base number is the same. In a ONE house (where there's a SEVEN present in the number) success comes when you avoid arguments in the home and when the family takes action towards a single goal. I also do consultations by phone and video conference where we look at energy of your home through Feng Shui and I let you know how you can shift the energy to support your goals. I think you're correct to avoid being too close to high tension wires.

is house number 14 unlucky - Creating a balanced energy inside the home will be the most important

If we are only considering the number I would suggest #27 or #33 or #21. 27 is about a couple sharing common ideas and beliefs that over time bring happiness, abundance, and longevity. Yes, there can be some trouble with extended family members but that energy can be shifted through the use of Feng Shui cures. If you are ambitious then 33 is good as it will give you many creative ideas and opportunities to collaborate resulting in a home filled with love and prosperity. There are Feng Shui remedies to protect from burglary and fire. 21 is about a couple unifying their goals resulting in good communication, creativity and attracting helpful friends.

is house number 14 unlucky - This home needs soft furnishings and lots of curved lines

Hi Prabina, No number is completely lucky or unlucky. What's important is to find the energy of the number and then use that energy to your best advantage. This number adds up to an 8 which brings opportunities for money and success. The method of getting this success is through the 53, creating change and following a different path while collaborating with others. This number supports people who network or have a large group of friends.

is house number 14 unlucky - It needs some dark colors

This number encourages risk taking and following your instincts. The issue with this number is when you want things to be stable and unchanging the energy is disruptive. So if you're in a job that you hope to retire at in 40 years then this number would not be lucky. But if you want to build a business or network your way to a better job this is a good number to live in. If there's 99 on the door then the energy is about gathering up everything in it's category, deciding what is useful to you and discarding the rest.

is house number 14 unlucky - Contrast this with your home office

For example, for a person who shops too much this could bring a total change in how they spend money and what they spend money on. Or in the example of a person who has many aquaintainces but no true friends this could bring an ending to many relationships until only the best people were left. As one category is cleaned up another will become urgent.

is house number 14 unlucky - Let me know if you want to do a full Feng Shui consultation by phone or Skype

The number brings spiritual and emotional growth, helping remove blocks to success. Remaining in a house of this energy will bring success after a time as you will find many of the blocks you've had in your life disappear. So this number is challenging at first but gets better over time.

is house number 14 unlucky - Hi Dee

There are other ways that 13, generally considered unlucky in the United States and a number of other places, is taken out of buildings or real estate decisions entirely. The 76-floor New York by Gehry residential building at 8 Spruce St. doesn't have a 13th floor at all. Hi Theresa, People who have a strong work ethic or are very disciplined can do quite well in houses with numbers that add up to FOUR.

is house number 14 unlucky - However

This new house will be a shift for you and your family. While you still get your beloved 13 the overarching energy will shift from FOUR to FIVE. The challenge in this house will be to carefully assess opportunities that come rather than trying to take all opportunities. Try new things but don't scatter your energies.

is house number 14 unlucky - Ultimately the results are the same because the base number is the same

You can do Feng Shui cures to help you spot good opportunities. Cut glass crystals can be very useful for this purpose. Let me know if you want to get information about these.

is house number 14 unlucky - In a ONE house where theres a SEVEN present in the number success comes when you avoid arguments in the home and when the family takes action towards a single goal

Hi Chique, The lot and block number don't matter once the house is built. The number 324 is challenging at first but gets better with time. It says that a couple taking a creative approach, getting help from others and working hard will experience first losses and then success.

is house number 14 unlucky - I also do consultations by phone and video conference where we look at energy of your home through Feng Shui and I let you know how you can shift the energy to support your goals

The challenge here will be to know that what you have worked for will pass away before the real benefits are revealed. This would be like a person who loses a job only to find a far better one soon after. If the person fought to stay in the first job they would miss the opportunity for the job at the better company. This is the best number for long life and prosperity.

is house number 14 unlucky - I think youre correct to avoid being too close to high tension wires

Over time you will experience positive luck and abundance in this home but it will only come if you let go of what doesn't serve you. If you would like some Feng Shui help with your home just let me know. Hi Menchu, While Nines are lucky they are very hard at first. Living in a 9 can sometimes take years to have benefits come to you.

is house number 14 unlucky - If we are only considering the number I would suggest 27 or 33 or 21

There's a focus on letting go of what is not useful in your life and when we don't do this then things can be taken from us. I have seen some who have needed to remain in a 9 house for a decade to really get the benefits. Of the numbers you shared with me, 20D, 26A, 37D, and 39C I would suggest 39C. Even though this number has a nine in it the whole number adds up to 6. This is a number that brings both financial success and happiness at home. 39C – Creativity and friendships continue and bring more creativity and friendships resulting in a feeling of success.

is house number 14 unlucky - 27 is about a couple sharing common ideas and beliefs that over time bring happiness

You said you might not be moving for a few years. If you want some help with your current home let me know. Hi Rely, The #75 is lucky for teachers, writers, people in advertising, law students and lawyers, religious leaders and community leaders. This number can be difficult for a person looking for love as it can make them very opinionated.

is house number 14 unlucky - Yes

It's good to have a lot of books in this house, this helps channel the energy in a more positive direction. Also it's a really good idea to clear this home once every couple of months to keep money energy flowing. Here's some information on space clearing or see my booklet, Sage & Smudge. Hi Konty, This is one of the better numbers that contain a 4. This number mean that through work and effort there will be many opportunities resulting in happiness and financial prosperity. With this number it's important to remember to do the work first and then the rewards come.

is house number 14 unlucky - If you are ambitious then 33 is good as it will give you many creative ideas and opportunities to collaborate resulting in a home filled with love and prosperity

Think of chores before TV, homework before play, do the hard stuff before doing the easy stuff. And your success will build and what seemed hard at first will become easier and easier. In addition, with all houses that contain a 4 in the number it's always helpful to work out of the home or have a home business. This channels the 4 energy into something positive and creates wealth.

is house number 14 unlucky - There are Feng Shui remedies to protect from burglary and fire

I suggest you hang a coin sword to increase business success. Hang the sword in the living room or home office and have the sword point to the door. Hi Marie, You're correct that 84 is quite positive for business. In a home it can be difficult because it is such a strong business number. You may want to run a business from your home to offset the energy. This number is going to ask you to have big dreams and to work hard to manifest those dreams.

is house number 14 unlucky - 21 is about a couple unifying their goals resulting in good communication

The number 4 is going to try to take something from you each month. I suggest you channel the "ending energy" of the 4 into a humanitarian cause. Place bowl near the back or side door and each week either put your coins or a few dollars in the bowl. At the end of the month donate the money to charity.

is house number 14 unlucky - Hi Prabina

I also recommend you have a home office in this house even if it's just a corner of a room and decorate it in dark colors like navy or dark green. I did a webinar on the Power of Color and these colors will help bring prosperity to the house. In China, it is customary to regard even numbers as being more auspicious than odd ones. So, gifts are given in even numbers for the celebration of all occasions. No. 8 has long been regarded as the luckiest number in Chinese culture.

is house number 14 unlucky - Whats important is to find the energy of the number and then use that energy to your best advantage

With pronunciation of 'Ba' in Chinese, no. 8 sounds similar to the word 'Fa', which means to make a fortune. It contains meanings of prosperity, success and high social status too, so all business men favor it very much. Moreover, in some areas of China, people prefer to pay much more money for a telephone number with 8 in it.

is house number 14 unlucky - This number adds up to an 8 which brings opportunities for money and success

They also favor residences on the eighth floor of buildings. In 1990s, a vehicle identification number with 8 was once auctioned off for 5 million Hong Kong dollars. Hi Paula, This house has an energy of single-minded determination to work hard brings about success with large goals but difficulty coping with day to day stuff. In other words you will need help to take care of this house otherwise long term success will not be easy. If you live alone get a house cleaning service and a gardener.

is house number 14 unlucky - The method of getting this success is through the 53

If you live there with family members make sure to assign them chores. Hi Andrea, Since the lot is vacant the 43 will only indicate how the building of the house will go. If, when the house is built, it remains number 43 it can be a difficult house because the energy reads "hard work brings people together but arguments can pull them apart".

is house number 14 unlucky - This number supports people who network or have a large group of friends

This would be a good house for people who are politicians, lawyers, activists and free thinkers. There is fertility energy in this house but to create prosperity it will take work. I suggest you build the house with lots of strong materials like stone and brick. This will help mitigate the negative energy of the number.

is house number 14 unlucky - This number encourages risk taking and following your instincts

The individual numbers can be difficult but the number's overall energy is positive. What will be important is to have the family come together regularly. This can be for meals, meetings, game night, etc. If members of the family don't come together there will be more and more distance and children can be rebellious.

is house number 14 unlucky - The issue with this number is when you want things to be stable and unchanging the energy is disruptive

After a short while though you will find the house brings you more prosperity and with that you can find happiness. I suggest you add the color red to the south part of the house. This could be a wall color, color in artwork or a red bedspread. This will shift the rebellious energy and make it more creative and productive.

is house number 14 unlucky - So if youre in a job that you hope to retire at in 40 years then this number would not be lucky

I also sense some issue on the right side of the house (if you're entering the home from the front door it would be to your right). If this is a problem with a neighbor then you'll need a protection mirror . But also check there for leaks or water issues.

is house number 14 unlucky - But if you want to build a business or network your way to a better job this is a good number to live in

Hi Mary, The house number is lucky but it's not consistent luck, especially at first. With this number the people need to be cautious that their own rules or limiting beliefs don't keep them from prosperity. Opportunities that come will have a setback or pause before manifesting. If your sister is impatient she will move on before the opportunity has time to come into being. I suggest she place several fish near her entryway. This will bring an abundance of opportunities and so there will be something positive manifesting all the time.

is house number 14 unlucky - If theres 99 on the door then the energy is about gathering up everything in its category

Is 14 Unlucky Number And if she has a fireplace near the back wall of the house to place some houseplants near it. The 'wood element' of the plants will help feed the fire bringing more energy and joy to the house. Hi Annie, While number does start on a 4 you'll be happy to know that it ends well. This number reads that though beginnings are difficult and require hard work, when the family gets into the flow of things then happiness and prosperity roll in. It's important that the family be of one mind and not have arguments with each other.

Is 14 Unlucky Number

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